Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Glee Sucks

A great TV series is a wondrous gift to the world.  You get yourself the DVD's, and like once a year you can watch the whole damn thing again.  If you are a frequent traveler, it's just about the best thing imaginable.

So I get excited when people get excited about a TV show.  And the critics definitely seem to be excited about the new show 'Glee'.  Which is odd.  Cause it sucks. 

I can see why people want to like it.  I can see the potential.  But it's just not funny.  And nobody's likable.  And the plot is a snorefest.  And quirky <> fun.  Not automatically.  And Jane Lynch already did what she's doing now.  In about 15 movies.  Each one of which was better than this.  And the whole 'no laugh track' thing would be better if I was laughing at home.  Preferably on the outside, but I'd take even a slight inner feeling of bemusement.

Maybe it'll get better, it's my solemn wish that it does.  But considering it's apparently already great, I'm not optimistic.


  1. Would you say it is better or worse than Bones?

  2. Apples and oranges. Can't really call it worse, in good conscience. But I will say it's worse at what it's trying to do than Bones is at what it's trying to do.

    BTW, Bones is the lead-in to Glee. So you can settle in for a night of terrible viewing, every Wednesday!

    I couldn't get past the first two minutes of the show's trailer. Pretty vomit worthy.

    The best new series for me is Burn Notice. Apparently in its fourth season, but I'm only halfway with Season 1.

    If you're dying for a high quality show that doesn't outlive its awesomeness, I'd recommend Sleeper Cell. Its only two seasons long, and very well done. Watched it twice. May try a third marathon if there's a blizzard this winter. :o)
