Monday, March 1, 2010

Henry At The Olympics

The photo is from the Canada-Slovakia women's hockey game. You can see the blue on the right there is part of the press area. It's basically like three sections worth of what are normally prime seats (the 'club' seats, at Canucks games). I'm used to the press being relegated to the highest nether regions of the building, and the good seats being only for paying customers. It's good to be Olympic press, I guess.

Henry didn't get to go to the closing ceremony last night. I don't blame him if he feels ripped off. Katy didn't just get us great seats, she got us great seats in this section where there was amazing catering for the 'Olympic Family'. Man, I like the way those people roll. Is there like a college course you can take to be an IOC member? So we ate and drank too much and had an awesome time, perfect finish to an amazing two weeks. Not sure how the ceremony came off on TV, but in the room it was almost perfect (some of those musical choices down the stretch were head-scratchers, but I was still high off the Neil Young so I could abide).

And our neighborhood was rocking into the wee hours, but nobody smashed anything, and by dawn most people went home. It was strange to walk around today with Hamilton back open to car traffic, and no more traffic cops at every intersection, and no super long line for the SkyTrain. Kinda sad, but I'm also feeling pretty ready to resume normal life...

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