Don't let the fact he can bathe in a sink fool you. Henry Lawrence Jonat is large (well, for his age) and in charge. My sister, whose two children are both well past the up all night stage, was asking how things were going. And I was sort of explaining Henry's disruptive influence. She said something like, 'right, you have a little dictator living with you'. In a loving way. From experience, like.
And it's true. God bless him, he's the best thing that ever happened to me (only his mother even comes close), but he is running this household. It's always been a struggle for me, anyway, to create structure in my life. I rail against it at the same time as I crave it. But this is pretty nuts even for me. I can't even imagine what it's like for Rachel, who used to be about regular bed times and early morning workouts.
I'm not gonna give away too many of his secrets lest I embarrass him (although the bathing pic probably did that trick anyway). But while he's high maintenance, he's generally a pretty easily pleased young man. Epic fussiness generally only rears its head sometime between, say, 11pm and maybe 5am. Yes, it is happening big time as I write. Which means I better wrap it up and offer some assistance. See, now he's even affecting your lives, gentle readers. Little dictator indeed.
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