Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bachelor Life

So the wife and kid have spent the last two nights with a handful of other moms and babies at a cabin on one of the nearby islands. A retreat, if you will.

Since the arrival of the little fella, I've been on a normal person's schedule. For the first time in many years, probably since high school (and I rebelled against it pretty hard even then). You know, in bed by around 11pm, with my alarm set for 6:30am. I do have quality interactions with the snooze button pretty much every morning, but even my latest rousing would have been earlier than early in the pre-Henry days.

So I was curious if the schedule would last in the absence of my family. And as I sit here at 11:30pm, wearing only my FullTilt Poker Bathrobe, and eating Kraft Dinner & wieners, I clearly have my answer. Hurry home, babe, before I am further undone!

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