Friday, October 28, 2011


I'm not gonna lie. The movie situation here on the Isle Of Man is pretty dire. There are two theaters, one of which has one screen and the other has two. So okay, we're not gonna get much outside of the mainstream. But I swear they deliberately pick things just to annoy me.

We had a free babysitter (yay mother-in-law!) this week and here were our choices:

1) A sequel to a farcical spy type thing starring Mr Bean that really could have not looked more terrible;
2) A reissue of the Lion King -- like, honestly, WTF??? There are three screens available on the whole island and one of them is given over to screening a movie from the fuckin' 90's?
3) The Three Musketeers

So we went with three and it was a terrible choice. Several times I had the thought that perhaps somebody involved in the making of it was intentionally sabotaging it for some reason. A scorned lover or a merry prankster or something.

Yeah, maybe it was like the story of Richard Harris's "MacArthur Park". I don't know if it's true, and I'm not gonna google it right now cause it's okay to be wrong sometimes, but I heard he wrote the lyrics as a lark. Like, let's see if I can write the world's stupidest lyrics and still have a hit song. I'm wondering if that was somebody's agenda here. Let's see how stupid a scene I can write and see if the movie still gets made, and even becomes a hit!

Should have gone to the Mr Bean one, for sure.

There's like ten good-looking movies showing around the world that just refuse to come here. I'm gonna be home in Vancouver on business next week for 4 days and my goal is to see 4 movies. Probably not possible, given the business I have to do (which will include full days, and several dinners), and given that I want to see friends and family. But that's the goal.

Cause also, as if things aren't bad enough, they only show one preview at the movies here. And the last three movies I've been to it's been the same preview, for the new Twilight movie. Seriously, am I being punked?

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