Saturday, May 28, 2011

Feels Like Vacation

We had to fly forever to get here. Till yesterday we were staying in a hotel (well, an extended stay apartment, but essentially a hotel). Now I'm sitting around listening to Phish (I don't know why I'm getting more and more into Phish at this late date, but I'm fairly sure it's not a positive development) in our new abode and if I look out the windows, past our patio, literally all I can see is ocean. Or sea, I suppose. Everything feels and looks a little or a lot bit different, like it always does when you travel.

So even though there's lots of work that's been done and needs to be done to get properly domesticated/settled here, and even though I know my first month on the job is going to be ridiculously intense/busy (I get a mixture of anxiety/excitement every time I remotely think about it, which is often), it feels like vacation right now. Which will probably fade fairly quickly (although I think for it to fade in entirety might take a very long time). It's probably a good thing, feeling like you're on vacation, right? Who doesn't love vacation?

But it's also kind of freaky, truth be told. Cause, you know, you're supposed to return home from vacation. But given that for now this in fact is home, a slight out of sorts feeling currently permeates. I mean, if this is home, and we go to Vancouver on holiday, does that make missing Vancouver being "vacationsick"? That's not even a word. How am I supposed to feel that?

Overall, tho, a very promising start to our new adventure. Found a place to live we quite like (after a scary start to the search -- day one yielded no worthy fruit at all), already moved in with all our utilities up and running. Have a good sense of the town, which is basically as advertised (pretty small, but not without its charms, pretty easy to navigate on foot; and of course there's the ocean and seawall, or promenade, both of which we are, historically speaking, inclined to be quite fond). Already have met some potential new friends. I'm walking distance from work. With the exception of buying a car (which we still consider a possibility as opposed to a certainty) we're pretty set here already.

In other news, in a blog post today I went word-slash-word three times in one sentence. Of course no proof exists, but I bet that's the first time I've done that in my life. More proof I'm out of sorts.

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