Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That Was Fast

Been talking about getting rid of the car for probably six months now. Truth is, we don't really need it. Daily life here downtown just doesn't require it, and there are a couple great options for the rare occasions we do need one (already joined ZipCar, which is ideal for short stints, and there are several local car rental places when we need a car for a bit longer). Those costs should be way less than insurance/maintenance on the car. And the finances really aren't even the point. The point is we don't need a car, so why have one?

Anyway, been talking about it for a while and finally got our shit together, cleaned out the car, and put it on craigslist today. Only got one call, but (surprisingly for Craigslist) the guy did come over, we agreed on terms, and boom! I'm carless for the first time since I was 16 years old. Well, technically I won't be carless till Friday. He gave me a deposit and agreed to come back then with the remainder. But the point remains.

So I guess it's good, but I do have a vague freaked out/panicked feeling. Maybe even not that vague, fairly prominent. But I was expecting it, and I know it'll pass, and I'm pretty sure it's the right choice. And if it's not, well, we didn't just sell the country's last available car. We could acquire a new one easy enough.

Whatever. It's just weird. No car is weird.


  1. I have been trying to convince my buddies mom that she doesn't need a car for four or five years. She lives at 6th and Granville and drives maybe 6 or 7 times a year. I figure between cabs and the odd car rental she would be around 500 on the outside. Which is a quarter of her insurance and parking costs? I think this is great. Well done.
